The positivity of second order difference operator with periodic conditions in Hölder spaces

Subject Fractional differential equations and applications
Title The positivity of second order difference operator with periodic conditions in Hölder spaces
Author(s) Allaberen Ashyralyev and Fatih Sabahattin Tetikoglu
Keywords positivity of difference operators, fractional space, nonlocal boundary conditions, Green’s function
Abstract In this study, the second order of approximation of difference operator A_h^x approximates the second order differential operator A^x defined by the formula A^x=-u_xx (x)+δu(x),δ>0 with domain D(A^x)={u(x):u(x),u'(x),u''(x)∈C(R^1), u(x)=u(x+2π),x∈R^1,∫_0^2π (u(x))dx=0} is considered. The Green’s function of the difference operator A_h^x is constructed. The estimates for the Green’s function are obtained. The positivity of operator A_h^x in the Banach space C(R_1h ) of periodic mesh functions defined on R_1h is established. Here, R_1h={x_k=kh,k=0,±1,±2…}. It is proved that for any α∈(0,1/2), the norms in spaces E_α=E_α (C(R_1h ),A_h^x) and C^2α (R_1h ) are equivalent. The positivity of the operator A_h^x in the Hölder spaces of C^2α (R_1h ), α∈(0,1/2) is proved.