A Second Order of Accuracy Finite Difference Scheme for the Integral-Differential Equation of the Hyperbolic Type

Subject Numerical functional analysis and applications
Title A Second Order of Accuracy Finite Difference Scheme for the Integral-Differential Equation of the Hyperbolic Type
Author(s) Zilal Direk and Maksat Ashyraliyev
Keywords Finite Difference method,Integral-Differential equation of Hyperbolic Type
Abstract In this study, the second order of accuracy difference scheme approximately solving the initial-value problem for the integral-differential equation of the hyperboic type in Hilbert space H is presented. The stability estimates for the solution of this difference scheme are established. In application, the second order of accuracy difference scheme for solving the local boundary problem for the multidimensional integral-differential equation of the hyperbolic type with two depended limits is constructed theoretical results are supported by numerical examples.