History of the formation of profile training Mathematics in Kazakhstan and prospects of development

Subject Mathematical Education
Title History of the formation of profile training Mathematics in Kazakhstan and prospects of development
Author(s) Raina Bekmoldayeva, Peruza Duisebayeva, Aygul Polatbek, Anipa Madenova
Keywords profile education, mathematics, education system of Kazakhstan, elective courses, methodological support of the course
Abstract We analyzed the current state of profile training in the country and abroad. At the moment, the whole school system of Kazakhstan is undergoing fundamental changes in structural and organizational, also in content and methodologically. Before the comprehensive school has the task of preparing of the competitive graduates. One way to implement this task was the introduction to the 2006-2007 year profile training in high classes of secondary school. Study of the problems of formation and development profile training in mathematics Kazakhstan connected with the problem enhance scientific and methodological soundness profile differentiation mathematical education of senior pupils. Also to solve the following problems: selection of content for the system of additional education in high classes; development programs profiled basic and advanced training courses; ensure a comprehensive readiness of senior pupils to continue their studies in high school mathematics; development of methodical support of elective courses and methods of enhancing pupils' cognitive activity; formation of general and professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics; mathematics teachers to teach in specialized classes.

Enhancing ideological and humanistic orientation in teaching mathematics

Subject Mathematical Education
Title Enhancing ideological and humanistic orientation in teaching mathematics
Author(s) Raina Bekmoldayeva, Peruza Duisebayeva, Yeldar Ussenov
Keywords ideological and humanistic orientation, teaching mathematics, history of mathematics, logic and methodological generalization, the theory of knowledge
Abstract In this study we consider enhancing ideological and humanistic orientation in mathematics education to develop students' ideas about the correct reflection of reality in mathematics and disclosure to them of the dialectical character of the development of its basic concepts, ideas, techniques and laws. We cover issues related to the theory of knowledge; issues related to the process of mathematization of scientific knowledge, the role of applied mathematics; questions the relation between mathematics and dialectics; historical questions of mathematics. This allows on the one hand, to introduce students with the most important ideological and humanistic issues of school mathematics, the other - to study special mathematical questions with an emphasis on their ideological and humanistic side generalization logical-methodological character.